OMSI After Dark recap and a New Challenger Approaches

Wow!!! What an awesome event!

Thank you so much to OMSI for hosting and PIGSquad for organizing our participation. We were overwhelmed by the interest and positive feedback Boxfighter received.

We really liked sharing our game with all of the lovely attendees at OMSI: after dark, and we hope to see you again at future events.

Here is some of what we learned:

-The “Quit Game” menu option in between matches needs to go.
-We need to make round-win indicators more apparent.
-Aces might be harder to use than we thought.
and most importantly…

We said this already, but it bears repeating. We can scarcely believe how our silly little game was so well-received on the exhibition floor.

When Alex and I first started working on Boxfighter together, we really weren’t sure who would even want to play it. While fighting games have always been a passion of ours, we understand that they are a rather complex beast, and don’t necessarily appeal to the majority of the gaming population. This is why we have focused our efforts with Boxfighter to reduce the arcane difficulty that fighting games present, and share a fresh, fun take on the genre.

After watching dozens of people laugh and smile their way through round after round of gameplay, we’re pleased to say that our efforts have been fruitful.

Boxes were fought, fights were boxed. It was a good day.

Speaking of this event being so great, it wouldn’t have been possible without the help of the newest member of Timepiece Games: Heather Fulton – Marketing Genius. Thanks to her brilliant work, we’re developing a real following!

Stay tuned, Alex recorded most of the matches from the event. We’ll be adding them to our Youtube channel once we’ve finished reviewing the footage.

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